Rail Buggy Progress:
This Photo is from 10/2009 when he bought it.

Current April 2010's post is more for the guys, but I would be glad to have some guys following me, (following my blog, I mean, LOL).
My husband has been working on a Rail Buggy all winter. He wants to have it finished by May 1, so he can test it out before he goes away with the guys this summer, to ride in Kentucky.
He bought this about 7 months ago. It was a mess and did not run. He took the whole thing apart and started from scratch...he even replaced and rewelded most of the rails. He has redone everything on it...he still has about 3 more weeks of work left. Right now, he and his friend are working on the engine (he bought a brand new engine kit; 1835cc I think ). A couple of days ago he bought a nice trailer for a pretty good deal. He has put some money in it, but when he goes to sell it and the trailer he should do OK. He is so proud of this rail buggy and he has had a great time restoring it.
The guys that he rides with all name their rail buggies. He decided to name this "Prison Break". The grey paint they used to paint the rails was left over paint that his buddy had. His friend is a plumber, but took a side job to do some painting in a prison. This is some of the left over paint from painting bars on the cells; hence the name "Prison Break". I found a decal on Ebay that says "Prison Break" on it, (from that TV show), and I found some fake bullet hole decals. He is going to put these decals on the rail buggy.
A funny side note...look at the sweatshirt my husband is wearing in one of the is a "Winnie the Pooh" shirt. Of course he wears his old clothes when he is working on the rail buggy, and the Pooh shirt is from years ago when we were at Disney World...well...I made the mistake of sending this photo around to his friends, and every one of them wrote back commenting on the pooh shirt! They said he is not allowed to wear that when they go riding in Kentucky! Some motorhead, huh???!!!!!
I have more photos to post this week with the engine in the buggy.
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What a cool project! I am gonna show my hubby too, he will be slightly jealous of the workspace and project - been wanting a space like that! how fun!